Leading with Heart, Humour, and Hope

4 min readMay 5, 2024

An “accidental” principal’s journey of transforming a school by empowering its people

So, I’m hopping from one job to another in the corporate world, daydreaming about the day I’ll trade in my suit and tie for a school full of happy, mischievous kids. And then, in 2022, it happens — I decide to ditch the corporate life in the UAE and head back to my home state, Kerala, for good. A friend who knows I am itching for a change throws me an exciting opportunity. He is part of a team rescuing a struggling school, and they need someone to shake things up. He thinks I could be that someone!

Sure, the salary isn’t exactly what I’m used to, but I decided to trade in the big bucks for a new adventure. So, I nosedive into my new role as principal of a school in a sleepy little town nestled in the Western Ghats.

The day I walk in to take charge, I have a meeting set up with the outgoing principal. He’s got a laundry list of grievances — especially when it comes to the staff. Surprisingly, some of the management committee members are singing the same tune, relying more on hearsay than their own observations. I’ve already made up my mind to be unaffected by the negativity of others and instead see the school and its people through my own lens.

My first challenge is about preparing the team to embrace the change in leadership. They are apprehensive and anxious, which is understandable. They are also a loosely-knit team divided by some of the wrong decisions and policies of past principals. To make matters worse, the management committee thought it’d be a great idea to bring in a few fresh faces, hinting none too subtly that the old team was easily replaceable, further deepening the team’s distrust.

One thing that fascinated me about the team was its diversity. We had a bit of everything — different backgrounds, experiences, qualifications. I made it my mission to value everyone’s talents and perspectives.

One of my top priorities was to nurture free and open communication. I listened to each team member, offered solutions, and led them with an open mind and heart. Even within the team, open communication replaced past misunderstandings with stronger connections and past conflicts with collaborative efforts.

Recognizing the importance of work-life balance, I knew we had to make some quick changes. These were people who were giving their all to the school but were forced to neglect personal well-being and family time. So, I made one thing crystal clear: self-care and family time were non-negotiable. I gave them complete freedom to take time off for personal matters without fear of judgment or repercussions and made sure that they took as little work home as possible. It worked like a charm. Within just a few months, staff attendance and commitment skyrocketed to levels we’d never seen before. Suddenly, the school was a place they looked forward to coming to every single morning. Though we had deadlines to meet, we also had flexibility that worked both ways!

I made sure my team got their fair share of recognition for all the amazing things they were doing. But it wasn’t just about the highs — I had their backs in the lows, too. If a parent or the school management came knocking with a complaint, I was right there, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with my team. As the leader, I knew that their mistakes were my mistakes, too. And by owning up to that responsibility together, we created a bond stronger than superglue.

But it wasn’t just about me calling the shots. It was about giving my team members the freedom to experiment and innovate, through which we unleashed a wave of creativity that swept through our school like a breath of fresh air.

With our collective empathy resonating with each member at a personal level and with our genuine interest in each other’s personal and professional growth, we created a ripple effect that transformed the entire school culture. Soon, kindness, consideration, and compassion became our guiding principles, and success always belonged to the team. We began openly seeking each other out for personal or professional guidance and began viewing one another as family. This also reflected positively on our parent satisfaction levels and student enrolment numbers, besides boosting the management’s optimism about the school’s future.

This year, as I pass the baton to someone new, I do so with pride. I know that I leave behind a school community where every single member — from the teachers to the students to the support staff to the parents — feels valued, respected, and empowered to do their absolute best. I am confident that the culture we built as a team will continue to inspire those who come after us.

